Geberit exposed cisterns For cost-effective renovations
Simple solution for toilet renovations

Exposed cisterns are true all-rounders. As an alternative to concealed cisterns, they can be installed at different heights or positions in the bathroom, depending on the constructional situation. A Geberit exposed cistern enables cost-effective WC renovations in front of the wall.
The budget-friendly and durable exposed toilet cisterns are based on Geberit’s tried-and-tested sanitary technology. With spare parts availability and backward compatibility of up to 50 years, they can even be upgraded over time, ensuring long-term operability. Another advantage is their easy accessibility, which makes maintenance quick and hassle-free.
Why choose a Geberit exposed cistern?
Straightforward toilet renovation in front of the wall.
Cost-effective renovation with a lasting solution thanks to sophisticated sanitary technology.
Suitable for all standard construction projects with variable installation options.
Backwards compatibility up to 50 years.
WC renovations without a prewall featuring an exposed toilet cistern

When bathrooms are built without prewalls, exposed cisterns are the go-to solution. Installing the cistern in front of the wall is simple and ensures easy access for servicing.
Since 1952, Geberit has been offering plastic exposed cisterns as a replacement for the wooden models introduced in 1905. Millions of installations to date reflect the reliability of Geberit’s advanced sanitary technology. The modern exposed cisterns are available in two different materials: high-quality plastic and sanitary ceramic.
Flexible mounting on the wall or WC ceramic appliance
Depending on the model, the water connection is located either on the side or in the centre of the toilet cistern. The plastic cisterns are equipped with EPS anticondensation insulation. Geberit offers an extensive range of spare parts, including fill valves and flush valve systems with spare parts availability for 50 years.
The dual-flush and stop-and-go flush actuation options ensure water-efficient operation. Exposed toilet cisterns can be mounted on the wall or directly onto the WC ceramic. The installation height can be adjusted flexibly to suit the room layout.
Do you have any questions We are happy to help you.
Our specialists advise planners, plumbers and other professionals on their projects. They will be happy to advise you on how to best master your current challenges with our products.
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Frequently asked questions about exposed cisterns
Where can I buy Geberit exposed cisterns?
You can view and buy Geberit exposed cisterns at your local specialist retailer or in a showroom near you. Our partners will be happy to help.