Cistern revolution in the heart of Paris Concorde La Fayette, Paris (FR)

A luxury hotel in Paris is a reminder of the urban development of the 1970s and documents the beginnings of the Geberit flush technology: it was equipped with over 1000 Geberit cisterns.

In the heart of Paris, a few kilometres from the Arc de Triomphe and the famous Champs-Elysées, stands a skyscraper that not only illustrates the history of Geberit, but also the structural changes of the 1970s.

Concrete - a symbol of strength 

After the Second World War - with the development of tourism and an increase in conferences - a group of architects was commissioned to build a luxury hotel on the former wasteland. The result was the Hotel Concorde La Fayette, a 190 metre high concrete building with over 38 floors, which opened in 1974.

The concrete façade broke with traditional architectural styles. In post-war Europe, concrete was seen as a means of modernity in architecture and symbolised progress, strength and functionality. However, the significance of the hotel as a modern work of architecture goes beyond mere aesthetics. New standards were also set in terms of sanitary technology. The Concorde La Fayette was one of the first hotels of its time to be equipped with the impressive number of over 1000 cisterns from Geberit.

Trust in Geberit sanitary technology 

The exterior of the concrete look hotel complex has hardly changed to this day (© Daniel Osso)

Geberit was already internationally renowned for high-quality sanitary solutions at the time. In the early 1950s, pioneering products were launched on the market with the first plastic cistern made of PVC and in the 1960s with the PVC concealed cistern.

The hotel has undergone various changes over the years. In 2013, it was sold, renovated and reopened under a new name. Even after the renovation, Geberit cisterns remained. In addition, 600 Geberit Duofix installation systems for showers and the Sigma30 actuator plates in bright chrome were integrated. One constant has remained for half a century since the building was constructed: Confidence in the quality of Geberit products.
