Quick and easy to install
Sanitary professionals can typically install shower toilets from Geberit in about two to three hours. Depending on the situation in your bathroom or WC, minor adjustments may be necessary for the water and power supplies.
Find out more about which solution suits best to which situation.

Both power and water supply connections are required to install a shower toilet. A water connection is also required for a conventional WC, which means you should already have one in place. Electrical connections are usually installed behind the wall as standard in modern bathroom and WC solutions. Alternatively, power can be supplied via conventional sockets in the bathroom.
If none of these options are available, you can still carry out the installation using an external water supply or a power socket near the toilet.
Ask your sanitary professional for more information based on your project with no obligation.
New building or full renovation Maximise the potential

The Geberit portfolio offers a wide range of options to suit your new building or renovation project – from the elegant complete solution with numerous comfort functions to the attractive basic model.
Provided the necessary power and water connections are already available, you can base your decision entirely around your personal needs and preferences.
Suitable for retrofitting Many different options

Discover more The solutions up close
Shower toilet enhancement solution
Geberit Monolith
AquaClean design panel
Customer examples Inspiration for you

No matter whether you are remodelling or simply replacing the WC ceramics, AquaClean shower toilets blend seamlessly into any bathroom environment and can be installed in no time.